The 28th Annual “Higgins Lake Foundation Awareness Day” took place at the R.A. MacMullan Center on August 05.
“Awareness Day” was created to thank donors for their support and to provide information about HLF ongoing and new projects. Slides of the DASH Boat operation gave attendees a look at the way the Diver Assisted Suction Harvester works and additional update information was distributed.
The live auction with auctioneer, Scott McNamara was a highlight with such items as sports packages with tickets to Tigers, Lions and Red Wing games including Nemo’s parking, gift certificates and bus ride to the stadiums, Golf for a foursome at Forest Dunes, an African Wildebeest Lodge stay, a Guided River Fishing Trip, maps of the Roscommon area from the 1930’s, and meal packages donated by Fred’s of Roscommon and the Silver Dollar Pub and Grill. Neal Cooley tried his luck as auctioneer for the Fred’s meal package and “sweet talked” the bid to full value!
Catering was provided by Fred’s of Roscommon with two food tables overflowing with a cornucopia of delicious selections, including the traditional giant shrimp bowl.
The Grand Finale was the drawing of the names of the winners for the $10,000.00 prize money. The tent area quieted as fingers were crossed and hopes were high! This year’s lucky winners were Shelia Boyd, first prize of $3,000.00, Taylor Brown, $2,000.00, Bob Tompkins, $1,000.00, the $500.00 winners were the Fred’s of Roscommon team, Kathy, Ed and Neal, Hank Pletscher, Val Smith, Margaret Bylen, Higgins Lake Boat Club and the $250.00 winners were Jill Baker, Mary Taylor, Carol (Morley) Beck, Steve Davis and Brad and Jen Baerlocher.
The 50-50 raffle winnings went to Bob Tompkins who was lucky twice winning also the 3rd prize! A number of door prizes were donated by the HLF board members and several local businesses.
Many thanks to all who bought raffle tickets and those who generously donated auction items and door prizes.
Wildebeest, Steve Sendek (River Fishing Guide), Bob Blamer (Red Wing Tickets), Pat Springstead (Lions & Tiger Tickets and Nemo Package), Silver Dollar Pub & Grill, Fred’s of Roscommon, Forest Dunes, Studio North, Bill Baker (maps), The Craf Center, Bob’s Butcher Shop, Chemical Bank, Scott’s Enterprises, Inc., Sergeant’s Septic Pumping Service and Rob Perry(Mapping in Michigan book)
The Higgins Lake Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit environmental organization. A non-membership group, projects and programs are supported by individual donations, RCCF grants, The John Morley Fund, Thalner Family Fund and Fund for Higgins Lake endowments. Recent grants were also provided by EnTrust and the Rotary Club of Roscommon.