Lake Saver Day for 4th grade students volunteer to help – HLF 989-275-9183
PRESENTATION Aquatic Invasive Species – Prevention – Monday, June 03, 10 a.m., R.A.MacMullan Center- RSVP HLF 989-275-9183
PRESENTATION Greenbelt & Sea Wall Removal – Native Plant Sale– Tuesday, July 02, 10am R.A. MacMullan Center – RSVP HLF 989-275-9183
PRESENTATION – by Dr. Mark Luttenton “State of the Lake” date TBD
HIGGINS LAKE FOUNDATION AWARENESS DAY – Saturday, August 03, 4 p.m. R.A.MacMullan Conference Center. Raffle tickets available soon.
Ongoing research on Higgins Lake by Dr. Mark Luttenton, Ph.D.
Interim Director, R.B. Annis Water Resources Institute
Program Director, MS in Water Resource Policy
Grand Valley State University
The Higgins Lake Foundation owns and operates a Diver Assisted Suction Harvester Boat (DASH). DASH removes aquatic invasive species (AIS) and prevents the spread of AIS, interruption of recreational activity and protects native plants. The average annual cost $35,000 – $40,000 or more based on weather conditions. This non-chemical system is in the 16th year of successful operation on Higgins Lake. Equipment, maintenance, winter storage, diver wages and fuel are funded by HLF.
A series of Spectrum TV ads and social media messages on Higgins Lake promoting best lake management care and boat wash use. These spots run during the boating season.
HLF volunteers participate in the state-wide “Cooperative Lake Monitoring Program.” Higgins Lake has participated in CLMP since 1974. It requires six trips out to a specific spot in each bay and precise recording of the tests done. Ongoing data results are recorded.
HLF hosts “Lake Saver Day” for the 4th graders of Roscommon Elementary- An annual one-day environmental camp held at the R.A. MacMullan Center. Over eight hundred fourth graders have received “Lake Saver” certificates through this program. Lunch, certificates, and rental fees funded by donations to HLF. The volunteer presenters are professionals who provide an educational, fun, and interactive activity for the students. The outdoor “classrooms” are held at the R.A. MacMullan Conference Center.
HLF supports the construction of a sewer by providing grants to Gerrish and Lyon Township, GLUA, funding educational mailings and hosting educational presentations.
Greenbelt and sea wall removal grant program to encourage healthy vegetation on the shores of Higgins Lake, reducing erosion and protecting the lake life that thrives in and near-shore.
HLF Funded construction of boat wash stations at South St. Park, on the North side and partially funded DNR boat cleaning equipment within the State Parks. HLF funds ongoing maintenance of the free-standing boat wash on the north side. HLF board members, volunteers and employees meet with boaters at the launch sites, distribute educational materials and meet with DNR for coordination of AIS (aquatic invasive species) prevention. HLF participates in the annual DNR “Landing Blitz” a state-wide program promoting Clean Boats Clean Waters.
HLF provides support to the Sheriff Marine Patrol for weekday coverage on Higgins Lake and meets yearly with the Sheriff and Under Sheriff.
HLF helps to fund the Student Science Program organized by HLPOA, Raven Lab and Roscommon High School.
HLF funds scholarships through the HLF, Roswell Burrows & Nancy Perry Environmental Education Fund for Roscommon High School graduates pursuing continuing education in an environmental field.
HLF hosts the annual Higgins Lake Foundation Awareness Day. Approximately 175 people attended.
HLF Hosted a “Healthy Higgins Fare and Native Plant Sale 2023.” At the R.A. MacMullan Center.
HLF is promoting the MSU “Introduction to Lakes” class and has extended an offer to reimburse board members of Gerrish & Lyon Twp, County Commissioners and GLUA board members who complete the course.