The first boat wash to be constructed at Higgins Lake is ready for summer season 09. The completion of this facility was made possible through the involvement, dedication and determination of many in our Community. Spearheaded by the Higgins Lake Property Owners the number of participants that helped to make it a reality just kept and continue to keep on going!
Anna Sylvester and Carl Doxtator of the DNR strongly supported the proposal and were instrumental in obtaining a lease agreement from the State for the boat wash location. The Higgins Lake Foundation Board kicked off funding efforts with a substantial grant and RCCF has participated with supporting grant funds throughout various steps of construction and promotion.
A lakeside resident also showed his dedication to Higgins by coordinating a grant from Entrust, an out of state environmental foundation. Individual citizens have also made designated donations toward the boat wash.
Others who generously donated time, talent and supplies to make the boat wash a reality were: Larry Fox of C2AE Engineering, Reith-Riley Construction Company, Jordan Well Drilling, Professional Car Wash Services, Roscommon Lumber, Roofs of the North and Bennett Electric.
The names of all contributors will be posted at the boat wash site.
The boat wash is our first line of defense against the ongoing threat of additional invasive species; coupled with education and awareness a healthy Higgins Lake can be preserved for residents and visitors of today and tomorrow.
The boat wash is located one minute west of the Higgins Lake North State Park entrance. It will be open daily providing use of power washers at no charge. Please join us on May 23 for the Grand Opening from 11am-12noon. And bring your boat!