The Higgins Lake Foundation is proud to announce that HLF Chair, Vicki Springstead, was selected by the Roscommon County Commissioners as “Roscommon County Person of the Year.” The award will be presented on Thursday, December 22 at the Commissioners’ 10:00 a.m. meeting.
“This award is an unexpected honor,” Springstead said. “I thank the Commissioners for recognizing my commitment to Roscommon, the work that the Higgins Lake Foundation does, and the positive reflection it casts on the hard working and dedicated volunteer board members of the Higgins Lake Foundation.
“Roscommon is a wonderful community with many wonderful citizens contributing to good causes. I am humbled and grateful to be selected for this award.”
Awards presented to HLF in recent years include: The Michigan Boating Industry “Lighthouse Award.” The DNR “National Association of State Park Directors President’s Award for being good partners with the Department of Natural Resources.” And the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations’ “Riparians of the Year” award was presented to Pat and Vicki Springstead in 2014.